Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and the Smile of Satan

Clement Pulaski
Daily Stormer
May 9, 2014

Jewish huckster Jonathan Cahn.
Jewish huckster Jonathan Cahn.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn recently made headlines at a kosher conservative event called Washington: A Man of Prayer, 2014. At the prayer meeting, hosted by Mike Huckabee and Michelle Bachmann, Cahn declared that America has lost the smile of heaven by disregarding God’s standards of morality.

From WND:

Cahn wove his challenge to the attendees by referencing Washington’s address and his warning that the new nation could not expect to prosper if it forgot God: “The propitious smile of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself hath ordained.”

Cahn continued: “We stand tonight on Capitol Hill, in the city named after the one who gave that prophetic warning, to ask, can a nation drive out the name of God from its public square, and the Word of God from its schools and the ways of God from its culture and still expect the smiles of God to shine upon it?

“Can the blood of 50 million unborn children cry out to heaven from this land and the smiles of heaven still remain?

“Members of Congress, can a government call evil good and good evil and forge laws that war against the laws of the Almighty and the smiles of heaven still remain?

“Supreme Court justices, can you strike down the statutes of the Almighty and overturn the judgments of the Most High and still expect the smiles of heaven to remain?

“Mr. President, can you place your left hand on the Word of God to assume your office and with your right hand sign laws which break the very Word upon which you swore and still expect the smiles of heaven to remain?

“The voice of our first president cries out to us tonight and answers, no you cannot do so and still expect the smiles of heaven to remain on this land.”

Conservative Christians will find much to agree with in Cahn’s speech, and even I freely admit that what the rabbi says in the above quote is true. Washington was correct in saying that virtue and prosperity come to a nation when God’s law is maintained. It is also certainly correct that abortion and other abominations currently practised in America are an affront to God. But Cahn leaves out the key cause of America’s spiritual and moral decline: the Jewish takeover of both Church and state.

Clouding the minds of Christians.
Clouding the minds of Christians.

It is because Christians refuse to speak the Gospel truth about the Jews that their efforts to halt America’s decline into wickedness repeatedly fail. Christians set up well-funded organizations to combat abortion, sodomy, fornication, atheism, and other evils. But these efforts do nothing to halt or even slow America’s decline. This failure is completely just, as God will not help those who refuse to preach the entire message of the Bible. As Christians, we must accept all of scripture, and we are not allowed to leave out the parts that we find inconvenient (Deuteronomy 4:2). It is not enough to defend most of God’s Word; we must defend all of it.

Christians pretend that Jews and Christians share the same God and the same scriptures, while John the Evangelist says that, “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father” (1 John 2:23), and Jesus himself tells the Jews that they did not believe the Old Testament, saying, “had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?” (John 5:46-47). Contemporary Judaism is derived exclusively from the teaching of the Pharisees, something which the Jews themselves admit. Jesus condemned the Pharisees more harshly than any other group, and yet Christians refuse to condemn them. The apostle Paul clearly states that it was the Jews that murdered the Messiah and the prophets who came before him:

the Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved.
-1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

Jesus Christ condemned the Jews. The apostles condemned the Jews. Christians ignore these passages because of the worldly criticism that “anti-semitism” brings. They ignore the Biblical teaching on the Jews, and then they wonder why their efforts to stop infanticide and sexual perversion are fruitless.

Christians refuse to hear what God says about the Jews, and therefore the blessings that these judeophiliac Christians try to bestow upon America become curses.

If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.
-Malachi 2:2

The Word of God is obscured by false teachers like Cahn, who weave heresies that attempt to hide the wickedness of Judaism.

Cahn is apparently a member of the insidious sect known as “Messianic Judaism”. Messianic Judaism is the most extreme form of Christian Zionism, and is made up of Jews who claim to accept the Gospel of Christ, but teach that the Gospel can only be understood when interpreted by Jews, and that God still views the Jews of today as his special chosen people.

These heretics refer to Christ as “Rabbi Jesus”, a most grievous insult to the Lord. The word “rabbi” originally meant master, but today the word has a much narrower meaning, as it now refers exclusively to the leaders of Rabbinic Judaism, a religion founded on the teachings of the Pharisees. Jesus was a master who taught truth, while the Pharisees were masters of lies. “Rabbi” now refers exclusively to Pharisaic teachers. Thus calling Jesus a “rabbi” as part of an effort to show his closeness with the Jews of today is the greatest blasphemy and dishonor.

Nothing is more pleasing to these heretics than “Jewishness”.

All of modern “Judeo-Christianity” is built upon facile lies of this sort, and this web of lies is the key weapon used by the Devil to keep Christians impotent in the struggle against evil.

Cahn may have given a speech about how America is to regain the smile of heaven, but the success of his judeophiliac message will only bring about the smile of Satan.

Satan smiles at America's ignorance of the Jewish problem.
Satan smiles at America’s ignorance of the Jewish problem.