Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2014
Good news! It seems that Jews are scheduled to die out by the next century. So says UK Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Sacks (who is a British Lord for some reason), who claims that assimilation is going to “finish Hitler’s job.”
In the UK, 44% of Jewish men under 40 are either married to or living with a non-Jew and in the US that number is 52%. The Jews are of course allowed to flip out about this, endlessly, without anyone complaining, while if Whites argue that diversity equals White genocide, they are labeled hate-filled bigots.
It makes sense though that Jews would have a right to defend their genetics, given that they are God’s Chosen People.
From the Independent:
The Chief Rabbi, Dr Jonathan Sacks, has published a book titled Will we have Jewish grandchildren?, and has said that assimilation could achieve what Hitler had failed to do. A spokesman for him said the figures were “an enormous challenge to the community.”
Antony Lerman, executive director of the institute, which questioned 2,100 adults, said the figures were not good news for those who wanted to maintain the Jewish community through traditional forms of identity.
He said the survey had some important messages for the chief rabbi and other policy makers. But he added: “The survey is not all bleak. One of the things that is happening is that British Jews are coming together more like an ethnic community than a religious one.
“People who are not marrying Jews or are not in synagogues are expressing their Jewishness in different ways, for instance in involvement in cultural events.”
The survey suggests that even Jews who marry out or leave the synagogue retain a strong sense of Jewish identity.
The Jews destroy as part of a biological drive that developed at a time when they were never going to be able to achieve complete control of civilization. Now that they have achieved complete control, they are incapable of altering their behavior patterns, and thus they are destroying themselves right along with the rest of us.
I am not particularly optimistic that this Jewish collapse is going to happen. Jews in Israel still marry each other and produce hordes of children. However, this Israeli sort of Jew is a slightly better sort of Jew, in that they don’t want to leave their stupid desert to rip people off across the planet.
The global situation, which was formerly ruled by Jews, has now gotten so complicated and confusing that it is only manipulated by Jews. They are falling victim to their own plots, but cannot stop their own plots as they are now on autopilot.