Rabid Jews Label Helpless Retarded Girl “Antisemite of the Week” for Complaining About Incinerated Toddlers

Damn, this retarded bitch be antisemite?

I ain’t knowed that. Why she do like that?

She ain’t herd of da hall of cost?

Dem German made dem Jews into shoes.

If they ain’t do no war for dem Plastinians, dey gone turned da Jews into fitted hats. Jew botta see they grandpa face on a flatbill NY cap and me like “yo dawg dats my pawpaw on ur mf head, whatchu doin der?”

Aint nobody pawpaw posed to be no niggas accoutrement. Let dem Jew alone, mf.

New York Post:

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was named “Antisemite of the Week” by a Jewish group following her arrest at a recent anti-Israel rally.

Thunberg “has joined the ranks of keffiyeh-clad protesters, brazenly voicing her disdain for the Jewish state,” the watchdog group StopAntisemitism said Friday, days after Thunberg was among those hauled off by Danish police during a demonstration at Copenhagen University.

She has sadly transformed her activism into a platform for vile Jew-hatred,” the organization added.

The 21-year-old was arrested on Sept. 4 while protesting with the group Students Against the Occupation, which called on the university to cease all connections with Israel, including putting an end to several cross-university student programs.

Among the programs between Copenhagen University and Israel is even a student exchange program dedicated to Thunberg’s flagship cause — fighting climate change, according to StopAntisemitism.

“Sadly, Greta’s hatred of the world’s only Jewish nation eclipses her love of the environment. Despite Israel being a global leader in tackling climate disasters and rushing to aid in crises worldwide, Greta sides with their homicidal terrorist enemies,” founder Liora Rez said in a statement.

“StopAntisemitism” is not even a real group. It’s just a Twitter account, which I believe is anonymous, that doxes people and gets attention from the media.

By the way, Anglin here. I fired the nigger who wrote the intro. Turned him into a vest, in fact. (I just sold it to Beyonce.)

As it turns out, Deepak Chopra was right when he said that Greta was a Nazi and global warming is an antisemitic movement.

He was way vindicated on that. Although I think his solution – that he was going to do “tantric massage” on Greta’s “vagene chakra” with his “1 foot penes” – was not really the best approach.

Frankly, I didn’t ever expect to be on the side of Greta.

You know the old thing.

And I was cool with it until she started stealing my thunder.

I’m supposed to be the weekly antisemite. I should be the daily antisemite. I’m out here every day trying to stop these kikes.

Now we got women moving in on my game, smdh. This bitch is worse than Lauren Southern.

Lauren Southern, post-op (photo taken at my beach house)

My ego aside, we should all take a minute right now and thank God that “Jewishness” is once again being defined by the traditional definition: a satanic cult that murders innocent people.

You know what?

I’m gonna start doing “Jew of the Week.”

My inclination would be for it to be “Ben Shapiro” every week, but I’ll have to get a little bit more creative than that.

This week is just getting started, so I’ve got time to think of someone other than Little Benny the Ultra-Jew. We should probably do “Jew of the Week” on Fridays, so we have the whole week to see who’s been the most Jewish.

We could do it on Saturday, the day when those creepy ass heebs pay some Mexican to come turn the light switches on and off for them. They’ll have to have the shabbos goy check the site and read off the Jew of the Week, because they’ll be too excited to wait until Sunday. Especially the Jews looking to win the award. They’re gonna have the shabbos reading it.

How many of you know that Jews hire Mexicans to come to their houses on Saturdays to turn their lights on and off and call and order Uber Eats? Do we have enough new readers over the last few years that we need to start going back over basic things? I hope we do, because that would be a content farm and I am really struggling for a theme here. We’ve got the “don’t vote, pleb” thing, but honestly, it doesn’t really seem like anyone is all that stoked about voting anyway.

I just typed “shabbos goy” into YouTube and the first result is about a Jew woman’s electric dildo going off on Saturday and how she has to run down the street to find a black man to come turn it off for her (the black guy ends up being a genius).

Sort of funny? I guess? It’s so Jewish. Jews are obsessed with dildos and black geniuses. It’s accurate, aside from the fact that Jews don’t just allow blacks to convert to Judaism. There would be nothing but Nigerians in Israel if they allowed that. Israeli citizenship is based on DNA tests.

Here’s an Israeli law office explaining the process, for any newbs who think that sounds outrageous.

So they can say “oh, yes, you can convert to Judaism.” Jew of the Week Ben Shapiro will claim “Judaism is creedal,” and say it is possible to convert. It might technically be possible to convert, but you’re not going to pass a DNA test and be allowed citizenship in the racial state of Israel because you converted. Mostly, the only reason conversion exists is for the spouses of Jews (particularly Jew women, but they will sort of do it for men now too). You can then maybe get Israeli citizenship based on your spouse’s DNA, but it’s more likely they will just give you residency, in case you get divorced and they end up with some goy running around with citizenship (nb4 “there are some Palestinians with Israeli citizenship” – yes, I’m aware, but they’re not looking for any new additions).

I’m enjoying the “back to basics” thing already. I imagine the OG readers won’t mind a refresher. It can be fun. And maybe you missed something. This might be the new theme. We could do the Holocaust (complete fabrication), the foundations of the religion (bastardized Christianity), and all the different “first red Jew pills” that all the old readers know and love.

Anyway, let me know in the comments down below what you think of that, and remember to subscribe and jiggle my balls so you get notified every time I pump out a new banger.

Don’t bother letting me know what you think of “Jew of the Week,” because I already decided on that one.