New Observer Online
August 25, 2014

The race-blind shortsightedness of modern Western liberalism has been displayed once again with the announcement by British Home Secretary Theresa May that she will bring in new “anti-social behavior order” (ASBO) regulations as an attempt to halt Muslim extremism in that country.
The announcement, made after it emerged that a Muslim invader living in Britain, but now fighting with the extremist Islamic State (IS) movement in Iraq, was responsible for the videotaped decapitation of US journalist James Foley.
May, a leading member of Britain’s Conservative Party, said the “new civil powers” would “target radical preachers whose outbursts fall short of breaking the law, and similar ASBO-style ‘banning orders’ to outlaw groups communicating extreme views.” Neither of these acts would, under British law, be criminal acts by themselves, but breaching the orders would be a crime.
Writing in the Telegraph newspaper, May said the British government needs to “stop people travelling to fight in Syria and Iraq” and for that reason she had removed the passports of some 23 “British citizens who want to travel abroad to engage in terrorism.” She also announced that of those with dual nationality, she would strip them of their British nationality and deport them.
None of these measures will, despite May’s claims, solve the problem at hand. This is because she, like the rest of her party, have failed to understand the racial nature of the Islamic conquest of Europe. May seems to actually believe that, given enough time in Europe, these Middle Easterners will actually just become “Europeans,” albeit darker-skinned ones.

This delusion is emphasized in May’s concluding comments in the Telegraph: “As the Prime Minister wrote recently in The Telegraph, we are in the middle of a generational struggle against a deadly extremist ideology. We will be engaged in this struggle for many years, probably decades.”
In other words, May appears to believe that this “problem” will be solved after a few decades—that these Middle Easterners will “stop” being radical over a period of time. This race-blind and false assumption ignores the historically-proven reality that a society’s culture is only a reflection of the people who make up the majority population of that community—and once the majority of the population undergoes a racial change, the society’s culture will change to reflect the inner soul of the new population.
Contrary to May’s delusion, the truth is that the radicalization process will only increase over time, and, as the Muslim numbers continue to grow in Britain and Europe, the IS-aligned ideology will only get bigger and more influential, rather than diminish.
Given the racial demographic realities, it is once again clear that the only path to racial peace and understanding is not through “integration” (which actually means the extermination of white people), nor “segregation” which (as the US, South Africa, and other examples show) amounts to the same thing, but rather complete physical geographic separation.