Race is Dead, Long Live Race!

John Chrysostomos
Daily Stormer
April 8, 2018

Based and woke

There comes a point when evidence is so insurmountable that even cucks need to acknowledge a theory is bogus.

Case in point, an article from the Guardian regarding Neanderthals. It doesn’t really offer anything most white nationalists already didn’t know but in the last paragraph David Reich, the scientist who discovered all non-Africans contain Neanderthal DNA, made a startling admission.

The Guardian:

Instead of a tree, a better metaphor [for tracing human origins] would be a trellis, branching and remixing far back into the past, says Reich, whose work indicates that the idea of race is a very fluid, ephemeral concept. However, he is adamant that it is a very real one and takes issue with those geneticists who argue that there are no substantial differences in traits between populations.

It’s about time! It only took approximately 89 years from when (((Franz Boas))), a kike physicist (and, bizarrely, anthropologist) with no background in biology, unequivocally stated “race is a social construct.”

Boas engaged in nepotism by actively discriminating against non-Jews, was hired by the Dillingham Commission to measure the heads and bodies of immigrants and those of their children to examine “the physical assimilation of immigrant races.” His “research” was the catalyst that began the slow change of the US from majority white to a majority minority dystopia.

Hmm, putting a rootless cosmopolitan in charge of determining whether immigration was a good or bad thing, what could go wrong?

Boas was, of course, being intellectually dishonest. We had taxonomic classifications of species back then (it’s existed since the time of Aristotle in fact), so even if the scientists of those days had no means of studying genetic data to back up claims, Boas could have used basic methodology to illustrate that blacks and humans are not the same species. It wasn’t just outward differences (e.g. skin color) but also things they could measure such as skull shape, cranial capacity, bone density and IQ.

“This is a strategy that we scientists can no longer afford and that in fact is positively harmful,” he argues. Plenty of traits show differences between populations: skin colour, susceptibility to disease, the ability to breath at high altitudes and the ability to digest starch. More to the point, uncovering these differences is only just beginning. Many more will be discovered over the decades, Reich believes. Crucially, we need to be able to debate the implications of their presence at varying levels in different populations. That is not happening at present and that has dangerous implications.

It’s dangerous because people who have been forced to drink the diversity Kool-Aid will suddenly question why we’re giving hairless bipeds with the power of speech the same rights and privileges as functioning, rational human beings.

Preserving the white race will become less an issue of “perpetuating white privilege” and more an issue of conservation – we’re ensuring an endangered species is brought back from the brink and given the means to survive in their natural environment. It will totally change the nature of the debate from a social issue to an environmental issue.