Daily Stormer
July 21, 2014

Why is it wrong to dress up as someone Black, but not someone White? Why do Blacks have this special privilege that no-one is allowed to joke about their appearance?
By attacking people who do, they are actually admitting that their appearance is inferior in some way.

Two friends have been branded racist after ‘blacking up’ as tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams for a carnival parade.
Kevin Stevens, 50, a local pub landlord, and his friend Jason Luke, 31, a builder, covered themselves in dark fake tan, brown face paint and afro wigs to join a tennis-themed carnival float.
They put on women’s sports gear and were photographed posing enthusiastically with tennis rackets at the procession in Truro last weekend. Mr Stevens also sported a pair of fake breasts for the event.
Since the event they have been lambasted by spectators and carnival organisers, who called their costumes ‘inappropriate’, ‘out-of-date and offensive’.

The pair have denied that they are racist and apologised for any offence – though one of the two said he ‘doesn’t get the racial side of it’ and characterised the criticism as ‘political correctness gone mad.’
Sara Batchelor, 33, who watched the carnival with her nine-year-old son, said: ‘That sort of caricature went out in the 70s. I didn’t realise people still did that. It’s out of date and offensive.’
Truro residents took to the carnival’s Facebook page to complain.
Andrew Harris asked: ‘Why didn’t somebody point out to the white man blacked up as Venus Williams that it was not funny or acceptable?’

Dean Harvey, from the Council for Racial Equality in Cornwall, said: ‘The whole concept of blackened face is steeped in racial prejudice and stereotype from minstrels to golliwogs.
‘It is not just a bit of fun, it is offensive to people of all ethnicities and it’s time we moved on from this.
‘These two guys were not representative of Cornwall, only unfortunately serving to remind us of times gone by that we should acknowledge and move on from.’
Carnival organisers banned pictures of the men from the Facebook page and the chairman of the event’s committee, Claire Arymar, has spoken with Mr Stevens, who runs the Miners Arms pub in nearby Redruth.