Race War in Sweden!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2015

Racist haters must learn to accept that everyone else loves it when this happens.
Racist haters must learn to accept that everyone else loves it when this happens.

What Swedish goyim don’t understand is that they are having problems with diversity because they don’t have enough diversity. Once they have a certain amount of diversity, the Moslems will force everyone to convert to Islam and the problem will be solved.


Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö, has descended into chaos as police respond to a huge rise in racism and tensions between ethnic groups, involving bombs, hand grenades and guns.

It follows a spate of clashes between different ethnic groups in Malmö, in what police describe as a worrying rise in racial tensions dating back over a decade. It highlights tensions within Sweden due to the rise in migrants from many different ethnic groups coming in from Europe and elsewhere. The city also has a long history of anti-Semitic abuse.

Police were called to the troubled suburb of Kroksbäck in Malmö after residents reported hearing explosions on Wednesday night. Emergency services discovered arrived to find several cars and a community center on fire. Two hand grenades were discovered near the fires. Seven people were arrested Thursday morning for criminal damage.

Two hand grenades were thrown towards an apartment block on the same road on June 20, but none of them exploded. One person was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries after a shooting in the Söderkulla square in Malmö. Police are also investigating a separate shooting on Ramel’s street in the Rosengård area of Malmö on Monday morning.

But what do the experts think?

Daniel Vesterhav, interim departmental head of Sweden’s crime statistics agency Brottsförebyggande Rådet, said public shoot-outs between criminal gangs have become increasingly common in the past decade. “We’re talking about easily offended individuals who, when they perceive themselves to be offended, take action to protect their honour.

“It could be a car deal that has gone awry, unpaid narcotics debts or something really trivial like someone spending too long talking to someone else’s girlfriend,” Vesterhav told TT newswire.

That sounds like borderline racist talk right there.

Shoot-outs over drug deals and conversations with girlfriends are a key part of the diversity that is enriching Sweden with life and vibrancy. If Swedes don’t like that, then they should move to some all-White country. Oh, there are none? That’s of course because everyone likes seeing drug-addled brown people shooting each other on the streets over girlfriends. It is universally accepted that everyone on earth likes this, and if they don’t they should be in prison.

What right does this Swede have to question Moslems shooting each other up on the streets of his country? It’s like he’s living in 1930s Germany rather than the paradise that is modern Malmö.