Race War Report: Clothes and Money Do Not Maketh a Man Out of a Monkey

Daily Stormer
March 6, 2015



A daily round up of the most instructional race war articles that we get here at the Daily Stormer, presented by Sven Longshanks.

In today’s episode we reveal how White women are not even safe to go to the store in countries that contain emancipated Negroes.

We also take a look at how Black females are treated by Black males in their own habitat and question why it is that we have extended to the Negro our own hard-won rights, fought for over centuries against our own ruling class.

Secondly we examine a letter from a White woman who still cannot understand why a rich Negro sports star would regularly beat her black and blue.

Her lack of knowledge about the testosterone levels of the Negro also led her to expect him to be faithful while she was away.

She is still alive and unburnt by him, but time will tell whether she stays that way.

Articles referenced today were:

Life Sentence for Black Who Abducted, Raped and Beat White Woman to Death with Baseball Bat

Rags-to-Riches Black Kickboxer Booted Out of Fighting Group for Battering White Girlfriend

This is the last episode in the current series of the Race War Report.

Next week at the usual time on the Radio Stormer Network a new series of daily narrations begins, entitled ‘The Negroes in Negroland.’
