Race War Report: Negroes Now Exempt From Punishment Due to Low IQs

Daily Stormer
March 3, 2015



A daily round up of the most instructional race war articles that we get here at the Daily Stormer, presented by Sven Longshanks.

Today’s podcast centers around the IQ differences between Blacks and Whites.

JP Rushton’s Race, Evolution and Behavior is quoted to show the average IQ of Blacks.

Retards are now known by the politically correct term ‘intellectually disabled’ and anyone who is ‘intellectually disabled’ is now exempt from capital punishment.

This means the average African is now exempt from being given the death penalty in America.

The articles referenced today were:

Race, Evolution and Behavior by JP Rushton

Retarded Black Deemed to Stupid to be Executed

Evil Black Hell-Child Who Raped and Killed His White Teacher is Now Trying to Claim Insanity

New Race War Reports are broadcast every week day at 12pm Eastern time/5pm British time (and repeated every 6 hours) on the Radio Stormer Network before being available for download.
