Race War Report: The Colour of Crime and the Rape of Sweden

Daily Stormer
February 27, 2015



A daily round up of the most instructional race war articles that we get here at the Daily Stormer, presented by Sven Longshanks.

Today begins with a look at the official Black on White crime figures for America and then for Britain.

After that we look at the staggering increase in Black on White rape in Sweden.

We then hear about a stud gorilla who did the usual thing to his White owner, but not before announcing to his offspring exactly what he was going to do to their mother, before doing it.

Finally we look at what becomes of the half-breeds when they grow up and the sort of crimes they go on to commit.

The articles referenced today were:

The Color of Crime

Sweden: Rape Capital of the West

Black Boyfriend to be Tried for Murder of White Woman in Front of Her 3 Pickaninnies

Mestizo Jailed for Drunk Driving the Wrong Way on the Interstate and Killing a White Biker

New Race War Reports are broadcast every week day at 12pm Eastern time/5pm British time (and repeated every 6 hours) on the Radio Stormer Network before being available for download.
