Race War Report: The Short Life Cycle of the Mud Shark

Daily Stormer
February 24, 2015

According to official statistics having a Black boyfriend means you are more likely to be murdered by him than any other kind of premature death.


A daily round up of the most instructional race war articles that we get here at the Daily Stormer, presented by Sven Longshanks.

Today we take a look at what happens to White women when they lay down with the beasts of the jungle.

We look at an example of the corruption of the most basic of motherly instincts, as well as the usual final bloody end that these relationships end in.

The official statistics on Medscape for being murdered by a Black partner are cited:

Among African American women between the ages of 15 and 44, femicide is the leading cause of premature death (Office of Justice Programs, 1998). Near fatal femicide of African American women also contributes to long term disabling injuries and conditions. Most often the men who kill or abuse these women are their intimate partners i.e., husbands, lovers, ex-husbands or ex-lovers (Bachman & Saltzman, 1995; Bailey, et al., 1997; Mercy & Saltzman, 1989). Therefore, “The National Black Women’s Health Project” has identified the battering of women as the number one health issue for African American women (Joseph, 1997).

In 1998, Salber and Taliaferro reported that the spousal homicide rate among African Americans is 8.4 times more than for whites. The incidence of spousal homicide is 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages compared to intraracial marriages. (Medscape)

The articles covered today were:

White Woman Abandons Child in Liquor Store to Go Hide Black Boyfriend’s Gun

Family of White Mother and Child Torn to Shreds by Wild Animal Warn Others About Domestic Violence

White Woman Found Shot to Death in Her Car by Negro She had Been Living with

New Race War Reports are broadcast every week day at 12pm Eastern time/5pm British time (and repeated every 6 hours) on the Radio Stormer Network before being available for download.
