RACE WARSKI LIVE: Nick Fuentes EVISCERATES Fat Old Kike New Jersey Redneck!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2018

Some random fat kike with sunglasses appeared on the Warski Live stream last night.

He was a “conservative Jew.”

All of these “conservative Jews” appear to be bad actors attempting to impersonate middle American sportsball fans. During his introduction, this particular kike – “Halsey” is his name, I do not believe he is internet famous – said that he identified as a redneck even though he is a Jew from New Jersey. His fat face, ball cap and sunglasses inside at night time – not to mention his talking points – appeared to be a comedy act mocking the way he views the working class American goyim that go die in his wars.

After going through his whole Jewish bit, Nick Fuentes hopped on an hour and twenty minutes into the stream gassed this fat slob of a Jew immediately, spending the rest of the two hours of the stream showing the audience just how many lampshades you can make with a Jew who has that much extra skin.

The best part was when the guy told him he was Jewish.

And when Nick quoted his favorite uncle at him and he said he was ready for race war.

Also the part where Nick threatened him with a knife.

Topics included Jewish media control, the Talmud, Israel and more.

Overall, the Jew’s point was “not all Jews are alike, I’m a conservative Jew not a liberal Jew, and I disagree with the liberal Jews on absolutely everything. Except that white people exist only to serve Jews and if they don’t serve Jews, they don’t have any right to exist. I agree with them on that.”

The whole stream is a fun time, particularly after Nick showed up. Also before Nick showed up, some of JF’s questions were pretty good, like when he asked why it was that everyone attacking him is Jewish.

Final Judgement: 

Rating: B+

Winner: Nick Fuentes


People all asked me about the Fuentes v. Allsup fight, and I didn’t really want to comment on it. I planned to just wait to write about either of them until everyone had forgotten about it, but then this came up and I was obligated to write about it and I know this is just going to result in everyone thinking about that particular thing again because it’s still relatively fresh. So I’ll comment.

For those who don’t know, Nick Fuentes and James Allsup ran a network of shows together and they broke up after some drama.

What the drama was was confusing, but it wasn’t important. It was about managing the shows. Nothing particularly salacious. Nick and James both did videos basically just insulting each other.


When you’re a public figure involved in this sort of thing and using your real name, there is so much pressure on you all the time – pressure that most people cannot really even begin to imagine, probably a big part of why I got into this in the first place if you were to psychoanalyze me is that I have a personality (disorder?) that feeds on intensity, and furthermore the people with the balls to get involved in this have big personalities – and so it’s very easy and pretty much inevitable that there will be personality clashes.

I never would and have never considered doing any kind of direct collaboration with anyone, with shared responsibilities, because of this. Everyone at Daily Stormer is a paid employee.

Nick and James are also both very young – 19 and 22, respectively.

They are also both very talented, and I support both of them and don’t care about their gay little drama. I think that should be everyone’s position, though obviously everyone’s position is up to everyone.

I care about results, not personalities.