Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 17, 2015

Rachel Dolezal went on with Melissa Harris-Perry’s MSNBC show and said she is Black.
Here’s the full interview. It’s not on YouTube. God only knows why these networks are so insistent on using their pointless failed flash streams.
She says that she has a spiritual connection to Black identity, she says, and is Black on the inside. She also refers to Whiteness as a “biological identity” that was “thrust upon” her.
Basically, the entire explanation was the explanation of Bruce Jenner and all other trannies.
“I felt very isolated with my identity virtually my entire life, that no one really got it, that I didn’t have the personal agency to express it, and certainly, I kind of imagined that maybe at some point … that maybe I’d be able to really process that, own it publicly and discuss this kind of complexity,” she said.
That might as well be the direct quote of a tranny, no?
Following the interview, another MSNBC brought two Blacks on to argue that she is bad for doing this.
But it doesn’t matter what these people think. The Jews have approved this and they will force this narrative. Rachel Dolezal will now be presented as a victim of these other Blacks that hate her. Harris-Perry has been joined by Whoopi Goldberg, Kareem Abdul-Jabber and several other Black figures in support of Dolezal’s Black identity.
They simply must present this narrative. I don’t think even the Jews foresaw this happening, and so they have been slightly sloppy in presenting a comprehensive narrative for public consumption, but they are grabbing the bull by the horns now and the Blacks will fall in line or simply not be allowed to voice their opinion on the matter.
A Jew rabbi came out yesterday and told the Jew community to make sure to embrace Dolezal’s Blackness. He spoke in Jew-code, telling the tribe that they have a duty to the goyim to allow transracialism as part of their “fixing the world” agenda – Tikkan Olam, they call it.
Because if transracialism doesn’t exist, then neither does transgenderism.
Because if transracialism doesn’t exist, then the “race as a social construct” theory is untrue, and we must as a society accept the genetic reality of race as a biological construct.
Neither of these things can be allowed to happen, and so it is that Rachel Dolezal must be allowed to be a Black woman.
Tikkan Olam, boys.
The fix is in.