Daily Stormer
June 16, 2015

They got her. But she remains strong.
Rachel Dolezal, the civil-rights leader in the middle of a firestorm over accusations that she has been misrepresenting herself as black, has resigned unapologetically from her post at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
The story of Dolezal “passing” for a different race quickly went viral on Friday after her parents told a local news station that their daughter, who had publicly cited her African lineage, is actually of Czech and German heritage – with “traces of Native American ancestry”.
After internal deliberations with local and national representatives from the NAACP, Dolezal announced that she was stepping down as president of the group’s chapter in Spokane, Washington – in a 544-word Facebook post that offered neither contrition nor remorse as the controversy over identity politics continued.
“I have waited in deference while others expressed their feelings, beliefs, confusions and even conclusions – absent the full story,” Dolezal wrote in the statement. “I am consistently committed to empowering marginalized voices and believe that many individuals have been heard in the last hours and days that would not otherwise have had a platform to weigh in on this important discussion.”
“In the eye of this current storm, I can see that a separation of family and organizational outcomes is in the best interest of the NAACP,” she wrote.
She does not self-identify her race in the statement. On Friday, Dolezal told Sky News that she “would definitely consider” herself to be black. She added that she does not “give two shits” about what her parents say.
Dolezal has said she does not consider Ruthanne and Larry Dolezal, who spoke to Spokane’s KREM 2 about their family’s ancestry, to be her real parents. She is also engaged in an ongoing lawsuit with the couple.
The unusual case has prompted a heated discussion about race, identity and cultural appropriation.
“While challenging the construct of race is at the core of evolving human consciousness, we can NOT afford to lose sight of the five Game Changers (Criminal Justice & Public Safety, Health & Healthcare, Education, Economic Sustainability, and Voting Rights & Political Representation) that affect millions, often with a life or death outcome,” Dolezal wrote in her Facebook missive. “The movement is larger than a moment in time or a single person’s story.”
This will go down in history as the stupidest thing Black people ever did, and they have done so very many stupid things.
But this takes the cake.
They have themselves protested against the social construct theory, which is the only reason they have all of these privileges at present.
Let the deportations begin.