Racism Rises in New Zealand – I Wonder Why?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2015

Is it any wonder that a nation that recognizes "Gandolf the White" as their only national hero is transforming into a nation of race-hate?
Is it any wonder that a nation that recognizes “Gandolf the White” as their only national hero is transforming into a nation of race-hate?

White nations have traditionally been extremely open and accepting, tolerant to a fault. Now, however, the more multicultural we get, the more racism is rising.

No one understands the connection, but it is believed to be a coincidence, with the racism rising randomly and related to absolutely nothing.

NZ Herald:

As a young nation undergoing a rapidly changing demography, NZ is learning to grapple with the rise of ‘casual’ or ‘everyday’ racism.

Fijian rugby player Sake Aca left the field in tears after being subjected to vitriolic racist taunts – and a hunt was launched to find the spectator responsible.

We would all agree that the headline-grabbing incident at a senior club rugby final in Christchurch last weekend was a slam dunk case of wholly unacceptable ugly racism.

But what about reality TV beefcake Art Green? When The Bachelor NZ star showed up at a Bollywood-themed party in blackface, a Twitter war erupted.

Many condemned his actions as racist, others said no. Party host Colin Mathura-Jeffree defended Green, saying he was dressed in theme and looked “fantastic”.

And what about Labour using real estate agency data of surnames to suggest overseas Chinese buyers are purchasing Auckland property in large numbers.

Was this racism?

Again, many seemed to think so while others believed the data was a fair way to reflect an issue of foreign ownership.

Racism occurs every day in blatant and subtle forms, according to Australian academics Jacqueline Nelson from the University of Western Sydney and Jessica Walton, Research Fellow in Racism, Diversity and Intercultural Relations at Deakin University.

Everyday racism is often normalised and infused into daily life, they wrote last year on The Conversation.com.au, in an article charting the rapid rise of casual racism.

And now this casual racism is manifesting itself in New Zealand in 2015 – together with the difficulty in recognising it.

Someone is going to have to shut it down.

Maybe start putting these racists in prison, before they start propagandizing their hatred?