Daily Stormer
April 5, 2015

We have to do something to stop this brutal hatred involving funny names for colored folk, or the streets are going to flood with their tears and we’re all going to drown.
The University of South Carolina has suspended a student for writing a racial slur on a study room whiteboard and will investigate the student for code of conduct violations, according to the school’s president.
A photo circulating on social media sites on Saturday showed a woman compiling a list of factors deemed to cause poor wireless service on campus. At the top of the list was a derogatory term describing blacks. “Incompetent” professors was also on the list.
In a statement posted on Facebook on Friday, University of South Carolina President Harris Pastides said a student was suspended as an investigation begins into the incident. He did not release the student’s name or refer to the student as the person in the picture.
“Today, the unfortunate and disappointing act of a student in a study room has challenged the Carolina community to reflect on our values and tell the world what we believe,” Pastides said. “Racist and uncivil rhetoric have no place at the University of South Carolina.”
Pastides said the school has a code called the Carolinia Creed that is centered on respecting other people.
White people will never understand what it is like to suffer 1000 deaths every time someone says or writes down a word which hurts your feelings, because when White people get called mean names they feel nothing because they were never enslaved. Actually, technically Whites were repeatedly enslaved throughout history, but mean words still don’t affect them for some reason, meaning they will never truly understand the suffering.