Racist Englishmen are Throwing Acid Into Moslems’ Faces to Turn Their Skin White

An ongoing trend in the United Kingdom is for White Englishmen to throw acid into Moslems’ faces to turn their skin white.

I know what you’re thinking: “I’ve never heard of that happening before.”

True, but just because it hasn’t happened before, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen all the time.

The Independent:

A spate of acid attacks has left some Muslim residents of east London afraid to leave their homes.

Fears have been heightened after 21-year-old aspiring model Resham Khan and her cousin Jameel Muhktar, 37, suffered horrific injuries when an attacker squirted acid through their car window in Newham, east London, on 21 June.

Police initially said they had no evidence the attack was racially or religiously motivated.

They reclassified it as a hate crime, however, after Mr Muhktar insisted Islamophobia was involved, and after posts expressing sympathy for the far-right were allegedly found on the Facebook page of John Tomlin, 24, who is being sought for questioning in relation to the incident.

As news of the attack spread, social media users began to report other acid attacks, with some speculating that Muslims or people of Asian appearance were being targeted.

Before White people.

After White people.

Are you happy now, Britons?

Moslems have been living peacefully in the UK for decades. They build churches, volunteer at homeless shelters and pay taxes so you can continue living on welfare at their expense.

And even after you bombed their concert in Manchester and plowed into them with a rented vehicle on London Bridge, they hold their heads high and continue supporting their adopted nation.

But throwing acid in their faces because you’re disgusted by their skin color?

Even Moslems draw the line at that one. And now, thanks to the fear you’ve spread throughout the British Moslem community, the entire First World infrastructure that they maintain threatens to implode and pull you down with it.

Fears about what was happening led to east London residents calling an emergency meeting on Sunday evening that was attended by Tower Hamlets mayor John Biggs.

He listened as the resident chairing the meeting said: “These attacks are happening on our doorsteps. Our women, our men, our youngsters are feeling unsafe. They are scared to come out of their homes.”

The fears were echoed by a local imam, who stressed that some acid attacks were robberies, not hate crimes, but admitted: “Even my own wife was saying to me yesterday that she didn’t want to leave the house because she might face an acid attack.”

On social media, meanwhile, the warnings have included: “Please be careful, especially if you’re brown. These attacks seem to be targeting south Asians or ‘Muslim looking people’.”

There it is again: that irrational fear of the color brown!

Why is it that whenever White people invade and conquer a historically brown country, such as the UK or Sweden, they immediately bully and intimidate the natives because of their melanin levels?

Melanin is needed to protect colored people from the harsh, tropical weather of Northern Europe. Yet despite its evolutionary benefits, White people seem to have an in-built hatred of it.

It’s truly baffling.

In March, a Freedom of Information request to the Metropolitan Police suggested Newham was the London borough with the most recorded acid attacks, with 398 incidents between 2011 and 2016.

Tower Hamlets had the third highest number of acid attacks, with 84 incidents recorded between 2011 and 2016.

Tower Hamlets.

Newham and Tower Hamlets have the highest Moslem populations in London, so there’s a good chance that these acid attackers are, as usual, White Christians.

But in the UK, acid attack charities believe that a high percentage of attacks are male-on-male, with gang members increasingly using acid as an easily-obtained weapon.

Yes, you read that correctly: right-wing skinheads are patrolling the streets of East London, throwing acid into the faces of Moslems in an attempt to change their race.

Clearly, banning butter knives and teaspoons has done little to quell their thirst for skin-hatred, so it looks like banning all corrosive liquids – including vinegar – might be the only solution here.

If these measures are actively enforced, it’s still possible to prevent the British caliphate from turning into a Christian theocracy.

Every year, countless traditional English mosques are demolished and replaced with Christian churches.