Racist German Public Pool Bans All Migrants After Bad Apple Gang-Rapes

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2016

History is repeating itself. First it's "we can't have all these little girls getting gang-raped at the swimming pool," then comes: "gas the kikes - race war now."
History is repeating itself. First it’s “we can’t have all these little girls getting gang-raped at the swimming pool,” then comes: “gas the kikes – race war now.”

In every vibrant bushel of diversity, you’re going to have a few bad apples who are gang-raping maniacs. They don’t gang-rape because of their race, they do it because they are men, and any man is technically physically possible of doing this action.

But the Germans, you see: the Germans are Nazis.

First, they gassed the sixty trillion. Now they are taking the swimming rights from Arabians who might not even actually be gang-rapists.

Daily Express:

A German leisure centre has banned all migrants after two teenage girls were allegedly groped in a public swimming pool, amid ongoing outrage over the mass sex attacks in Cologne.

The shocking incident at a leisure centre in Munich was said to have involved three Syrian boys who allegedly touched a 17-year-old girl underneath her swimming costume.

They were then alleged to have groped the girl’s 14-year-old sister after she came to her sibling’s defence.

The girls managed the flee the pool and call for the lifeguard, who then contacted police.

Three Syrian boys, all under 15, have since been arrested in connection to the incident.

Outraged by the alleged attack and growing concerns, a swimming pool in Bornheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, has since retaliated by barred all migrants from its facilities.

A famous Jewish proverb reads: “first they came for the ficki ficki gang sex-attack Arab pool boys, and I said nothing because I wasn’t a ficki ficki gang sex-attack Arab pool boy. Then they gassed my whole family and turned them into lampshades.”

History is repeating itself.

We have to stop these Germans, who have hearts full of hate.

It comes after an 18-year-old refugee was alleged to have grabbed and kissed a 54-year-old in the area.

The woman was only rescued after a couple heard her screams for help, with the teenager arrested a short while later.

The ban at the swimming pool was called for during an emergency meeting of locals, according to Bornheim social affairs councillor and deputy mayor Markus Schnapka.

He said: “At the public meeting, I made it quite clear that it was an extremely difficult decision and it’s clear that many innocent refugees are also affected by this.”

The three Syrian boys arrested in Munich were not remanded in custody and will be prosecuted under juvenile law.

Two other people, thought to be friends with one of the alleged offenders, were also arrested for their part in the incident.

Gun shop owners have received 73 applications already this year for air pistols, compared to just 100 for the whole of 2014, local police have said.

Demand for pepper spray is also reportedly high this month in the wake of mass sex attacks as local residents seek to defend themselves.

What the Nazi-controlled media won’t tell you: They’re also stocking up on a certain “der magic juice” they use for “der fun time”:


We said “never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again never again.”


It is up to the world to stop these Nazis dead in their tracks.