“Racist, There is Only One Master, and That’s Allah!”: French Teacher Beaten Up Because He Disciplined Brown-Skinned Child

Diversity Macht Frei
October 18, 2016


It is 11.30 am, the pupils are coming back on foot from a physical education course in Marais stadium when their 50-year-old teacher is suddenly attacked by two young men. The professor had just rebuked one of his pupils who was using bad language and stepping out of line. The two assailants emerged from their car and shouted at him: “You speak to her like that, racist!”

The teacher then replied: “But I am their teacher [maître, in French the word for “teacher” and “master” is the same].” While approaching the man in his 50s, one of the assailants then replied: “And me, I am a thug.” The teacher tried to push them back with his arm and an umbrella. But his attachers finally made him fall to the ground by sweeping him from behind and they punched him. According to a trade union source, one of them is said to have shouted: “There is only one master, it is Allah.”
