Daily Stormer
October 18, 2014

A racist woman from Seattle has shamed a suspected Paki butt-grabber by posting his picture on Twitter. The woman, who is clearly driven by hatred of vibrancy, claims that the police refused to address the innocent colorful’s grabbery.

There’s a trove of photos on Julia Marquand’s phone that show off the man who sidled right up to the 28-year-old on an empty sidewalk and touched her right on the behind.
“It seemed like a practiced behavior. Like he knew how to touch a woman just enough so she wouldn’t raise hell,” the 28-year-old business owner told KOMO-TV.
But Marquand decided to raise hell.
She followed and confronted her alleged groper outside the Seattle monorail with a cellphone — snapping photos of his surprised face as he attempted to apologize and spin “damage control,” she said.
The prized evidence later identified him as a known sex offender under Department of Corrections supervision, but while reporting the assault, a Seattle cop didn’t want her photos, Marquand added.
“I was left with the impression that nothing would happen, even though I had some kind of evidence,” she told the TV station.
The Seattle Police Department acknowledged Marquand’s frustration in a statement released Tuesday afternoon and noted a detective was contacted by DOC officers after they recognized the man in photos the victim circulated on Twitter.
“The victim, understandably frustrated by the incident, pro-actively circulated a photo of the man via social media, along with an account of her experience reporting the incident,” the statement read.
The man identified by KCPQ-TV as Daryl Sharma has a history of groping women in the Seattle area including grabbing a woman’s breasts at the University Village shopping center as she sat on a bench and grabbing women on the University of Washington campus, according to the Seattle Times.
He was convicted twice in 2003 on assault charges related to rubbing himself against a woman and later grabbing another woman’s behind.
Clearly, the entire system is against non-White people – otherwise, why would it only be Muslims who are accused of going around and rubbing up on women? Clearly, there is no difference between any races, so the fact that it is only Muslims – particularly Paki-looking Muslims – being accused of these acts proves it is part of a racist conspiracy to oppress them.

To the credit of the fairer sex in general though, even as they wrongfully accuse Muslims of all sorts of impropriety, they continue to support mass immigration from Muslim countries.