Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 20, 2018
Funny. He doesn’t look evil.
Why would you not kill retards?
What in the fuck is the argument?
It is anti-human to force these monstrosities to live. They destroy the lives of their families, they cost millions of dollars each to maintain, and they live completely meaningless lives.
What exactly is the argument for not killing them?
I don’t know if there is one. I certainly have not heard one.
You get that with a lot of this weird liberal shit. You can’t argue against their argument because they just don’t present an argument, and just assume something is bad because it is maybe kinda sad.
Part of being an adult is dealing with the fact that some things in life are sad. The boomer ideology of “do what feels good” is infantile and has totally collapsed human civilization. Furthermore, perhaps ironically, it has led to mass human suffering on a scale we’ve never seen before.
The temporary sadness of having to snub out a retard baby is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to the 20-30 YEARS a family with a retard baby is forced to suffer, every single day, trying to take care of it.
Of course retards should be killed.
“OMG can u believe this guy killed retards????? Nazis so ebil!!!!!11” is the stupidest news item yet.
The Austrian doctor for whom Asperger syndrome is named helped the Nazis kill disabled children during World War II, according to a study published Thursday.
Hans Asperger, a pediatrician who first identified the syndrome in 1944, made good with the Nazis by referring children to one of their notorious euthanasia clinics, Medical University of Vienna medical historian Herwig Czech revealed in the journal Molecular Autism.
Nearly 800 children who didn’t fit into the Third Reich’s criteria of “worthy to live” — meaning they lacked “racial purity” and “hereditary worthiness” — died at the Am Spiegelgrund clinic in Vienna between 1940 and 1945.
Asperger frequently referred disabled children to the clinic, according to previously untouched documents from state archives — including Asperger’s personnel files and patient case records — unearthed by Czech, the Guardian UK reported.
The children, who had physical or psychological “defects,” were deemed undesirable and were killed through starvation and lethal injection — though their cause of death was reported as pneumonia.
I have a seriously difficult time believing that Germans EVER used starvation as a means of execution.
Again with this “goofy evil” stuff.
Just for the record, this guy was previously celebrated as being against hardline Nazi policies and actually defending autistic people as potentially useful members of society.
They’re just digging this guy up now to defame him because hey, whatever. Gotta keep Nazis in the news somehow, just tell everyone it was somehow irregular at the time to euthanize full-retard children.
While Asperger touted himself as having shielded his patients from the Nazi regime, he was a cog in its killing machine and was rewarded for his loyalty with career opportunities, Czech found.
“He was responsible for depriving of their liberty many children whom he deemed incapable of existing outside institutions,” Czech told The Guardian.
“The liberty of a person incapable of existing outside an institution.”
Just let that sink in.
The idiocy of that statement encompasses the idiocy of the entire anti-Nazi narrative, which is in turn the basis for the entirety of modernity.