Red Ice
October 29, 2015
Andrew Anglin created the website The Daily Stormer two years ago, which now attracts over three million unique visitors per month. The controversial and humorous website seeks revolution through the education of the European masses and keeps readers informed of relevant world events hidden by the controlled media. Anglin says, “My goal is that anyone who comes to this site laughs out loud at least once every visit.”
We begin with a look at Andrew’s journey through the alternative conspiracy route that brought him to the bigger picture of racial issues plaguing Western culture. Andrew talks about the recent heat that was brought to when the SPLC tried to connect him to the Charleston church shooter, Dylan Storm Roof, and he covers the recent drama with Joshua Goldberg attempting to infiltrate the website. We discuss the art of trolling, tips for dealing with SJWs, and the future of censorship. Then, we get into the big problem of low IQ cultures creeping into the system and replacing skilled workers with affirmative action. Andrew brings forth the idea of ‘Detroitification’ sweeping across the US, as minorities take over the suburbs and ‘too White’ neighborhoods are ‘diversified’ through Obama’s new HUD social engineering program. Furthermore, we touch on the issue of low White birth rates and why Western women cheerfully support the mass importation of fighting age men from cultures with large breeding capabilities. Later, we delve into the unavoidable JQ and why Israel is so cherished by so many politicians. We wrap up with thoughts on strengthening the Alt Right political ideology.