Radio 3Fourteen: European Preservation: Women, Children & Parenting

Lana Lokteff
Red Ice Creations
August 16, 2014


Sinéad is a musician, independent childbirth educator, doula, and alternative health advocate. She has a bachelors in psychology, and has conducted independent studies in a number of different fields including natural medicine, mind control, childhood development and parenting styles. She broadcasts sporadically on Renegade Broadcasting, and is founder of which offers information regarding natural undisturbed birth, as well as free consultations. She is also co-founder of, a social network for European women all over the world.

Megan has made it her life’s mission to go deeper into the heart of the past, not merely historical but primarily spiritual. Through music, writing, art, travel she aims to do her part to apply what her ancestors have to teach into a present day context, and to forge a better future.

Why are European women more supportive of mass immigration and multiculturalism? We’ll discuss why European women can’t see the active destruction of their culture and race. From miscegenation programming and being called racist for wanting to date their own race, White women are pushed in the name of altruism to make brown babies if any babies at all, falling in line with the Zionist, anti-White agenda. Sinead and Megan will discuss the politically incorrect side of miscegenation. We’ll also talk about feminism and the detrimental effects of women sleeping around. Later, we’ll talk about why White birth rates are low. How do we encourage White women to have more children and destroy the misconceptions about child rearing? They’ll also share fertility tips for women. Later, we discuss ways to raise our European children in a multicultural world.
