Radio 3Fourteen: Seth Cooper – Egalitarianism vs Aristocratic Values & Aspects of Fascism

Lana Lokteff
Red Ice
December 10, 2016


Seth Cooper, a lifelong devotee of fantasy and mythology, graduated Summa Cum Laude from Mount Saint Mary’s University, having earned a philosophy degree in 2001. He lives by himself in the rural Northern Neck of Virginia where he continues to realize the far-reaching series that begins with The Glorious Path, his debut novel.

Our show begins with Lana asking Seth how he felt about the recent NPI controversy. Quite predictably, Seth saw through the media’s outrageous spin on the aforementioned shenanigans. We then dive into the topic of equality, differentiating between being equal under the law and equal in a more existential sense. Seth argues for a return to aristocratic values – that is, a worldview that recognizes that people vary in ability, skill, and potential. This leads to an interesting discussion on the three main ethical theories in Western philosophy. We then discuss fascism – a concept that is painfully misunderstood by the masses – and conclude our show with a consideration of the Alt-Right.
