Radio Stormer: A Cause for Optimism

Daily Stormer
July 22, 2015


Andrew Anglin and Sven Longshanks return to Radio Stormer, with an episode centering around the rise of Donald Trump.

Trump has recently publicly criticized John McCain, one of the most hated war-mongers in America today.

Anglin explains McCain’s treacherous history and how this ‘war hero’ sold out to the enemy during the Vietnamese war.

Also covered are some of the main reasons why Donald Trump is a genuine cause for optimism among White people.

In the later part of the podcast, the antics of Syriza’s turncoat president are covered and the likelihood of Golden Dawn being a part of a new coalition government in Greece is assessed.

Finally the new comments system is discussed, the reasons for the change and what is hoped to be gained by it.


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