Radio Stormer: A Conversation with Angelo John Gage

Daily Stormer
December 30, 2014


While Andrew Anglin is busy with serious business of an unclear and secretive nature, Sven Longshanks interviews Angelo John Gage about his thoughts on current events and the general situation that White people now find themselves in.

Subjects covered include:

Effective propaganda and truth telling

Twitter and Operation Filthy Jew Bitch

The ‘good’ Jew and the ‘good’ Negro

The rising tide of patriotism in Europe

Setting a good example and living like a White man

The need for unity among Whites

The risks people take by putting their name and face to the pro-White movement

Radio Stormer will be back in the new year with Andrew Anglin co-presenting and more special guests.


[Editor’s Note: This is getting uploaded late because I am still figuring out how to upload files on this site after the switch over from the old host.  Again, every time I have paid someone to do this, they have screwed everything up and left me fixing it myself, so I am doing things myself.  Also yes, I am aware the front page is having a problem when accessed from Google.  I am doing all I can and cannot do more. –AA.]