Radio Stormer: Back From The Dead

Daily Stormer
August 19, 2015

“I can still feel a pulse, we can rebuild him….”
“I can still feel a pulse, we can rebuild him….”

Andrew Anglin returns to the airwaves to discuss the nightmarish events of the last month with Sven Longshanks.

First off was an invasion of privacy and the blatant intimidation of Anglin’s mother by a journalist.

This is the sort of thing gangsters do, when they want to blackmail their victim into complying with their wishes.

Not only did they deliberately harass her, knowing full well that he was not living there, but they also showed the world what her house looked like.

Just in case anyone else fancied going round there to get at Anglin through her.

Shortly after this happened, the site itself was taken off-line by the internet companies themselves.

All seemed lost, until top computer hacker Weev appeared to reconnect the site to the web.

This method of attack may become more common in the future, so the more prepared we are for it the better.

Although if the anti-racists have their way, the internet companies will be run by Blacks, so we may not have a functioning internet at all!


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