Radio Stormer: Freedom from Perversity – Not Freedom to be a Pervert!

Daily Stormer
August 25, 2015


An early release for the Wednsday podcast this week, which takes a more conversational tone as Andrew Anglin and Sven Longshanks discuss how the concept of freedom has been twisted to mean the opposite of what it really means.

We used to be free from foreign invaders, now the foreigners are free to invade us.

We used to be free to walk down the street and not see faggots flaunting their perversity, now the sodomites are free to bugger each other in public.

Our children used to be free from assaults on their innocence, now the Marxist perverts are free to promote anal sex and genital mutilation to them before they are even at junior school.

We used to be able to leave our children in the care of the scoutmaster, free from the worry that he would do anything untoward.

Now the gay Scoutmaster is free to promote homosexuality to them and can even take them away camping.

We used to be free to leave our doors unlocked, now the Blacks are free to rob us with no fear of the police using force to prevent them.

Free speech used to mean we were free to criticise the government, now it means Jews are free to display their pornography everywhere.

We want freedom from all of this – not freedom to do all of this.


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