Radio Stormer: Men Lead, Women Support and Children Learn From Both

Daily Stormer
March 28, 2015

No, govna. Hitler was only trying to help.

Andrew Anglin and Sven Longshanks attempt to explain the complex relationship between masculinity and femininity and how they both fit within the natural order.

Not everyone has direct experience of the other races, but we do all have experience of the way the gender roles have become confused.

In this podcast the importance of providing a space for men that is free from women is highlighted and how everywhere outside the home used to be the realm of man.

The reasons why women never actually mean what they say are explained, as well as the reason why women always say their men ‘never understand them.’

Women are constantly testing men and many of today’s men seem to have forgotten that.

The Daily Stormer supports traditional roles for men and for women and felt that people may need reminding of this.
