Radio Stormer Narrations: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict Part II

Daily Stormer
April 29, 2015

The Oath of the Horatii by Jacque Louis David.

‘Civil and Savage Life Compared’

The struggle for existence is observed throughout all life and through this, the different types of life continually improve.

Civilisation has mitigated some of the effects of this struggle, but the negative effects of doing so are now starting to show.

Why is it that with all our nutritional and medicinal breakthroughs, aborigines still show more vitality than us?

Or at least they did, until they were introduced to some of our customs.

The morality of the ancients was far different to ours today and in some surprising ways, the life of the savage is similar.

Only the noblest, finest and strongest got to breed with the women while the rest of the men had to remain chaste.

Could it be that by no longer being chaste, we are effecting our virility as a race?

Written by Walter Hunt in 1904.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks and originally broadcast on the Radio Stormer live stream.
