Radio Stormer Narrations: Are We a Declining Race – An Old Sailor’s Verdict Part III

Daily Stormer
April 30, 2015

The race of cannibals in the example cited.

‘A Remarkable Example of Decline’

An in depth look at what happened to a cannibal Fjian tribe after White people made contact with them.

How the merchants tricked them out of their land and turned them into virtual slaves.

How after adopting White peoples morals and allowing them all to marry, the physique of the tribe went into decline.

How the missionaries had to acknowledge their failure, after a government enquiry.

How the governor himself had to admit the damage that was caused by doing away with arranged marriage and celibacy for the masses.

Written by Walter Hunt in 1904.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks and originally broadcast on the Radio Stormer live stream.
