Radio Stormer Narrations: Communism in Germany II

Daily Stormer
August 30, 2015


Communism was a way for a foreign power to overthrow the national government of a country and install its own people as the new authority.

Once in power, the former spies and traitors were to form a Cheka and NKVD, where they would then use the information they had gathered to start rounding people up and slaughtering them.

They even had double agents in the NSDAP, reporting back to central command on who was involved and where they lived.

Similar to the way Moslem terrorists are caught today with bombs planning on attacking the nations they live among, many Germans were caught with weapons and detailed plans of how they were to attack their own kinsmen, having been worked up by propaganda to hate their own brothers.

Fighting against Communism was like fighting against an enemy army made up of your own people.

It was all based around the armed uprising, which had been planned for all along, with gradually increasing agitation of the masses and distribution of weapons among them, along with targets to be taken out once the rising had begun.

Radio Stormer Narrations: Communism in Germany – Treason!


Radio Stormer Narrations: Communism in Germany – Treason II


Radio Stormer: Communism in Germany – High Treason


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