Radio Stormer Narrations: Freemasonry and The Jews

Daily Stormer
July 31, 2015


Radio Stormer Narrations: The Jewish Founders of Freemasonry

The Jew Isaac Long was the chairman of the First Highest Masonic Council in America.

He was made inspector General by the Jew Moses Cohen and had received his degree from another Jew, Morin.

Freemasonry is based around the Jewish cabala and has been used since the beginning to achieve the aims of Jewry.

Quotes narrated by Sven Longshanks and taken from The Plot Against The Church by Maurice Pinay.


Radio Stormer Narrations: The Jews and Revolution

All revolutions since the advent of Freemasonry have been Jew instigated.

They use their control of the lodges to direct the revolution.

This is why the ideals of the revolution, have always been the same ideal as Jewry.

The main goal of revolution, has always been the advancement of the Jew.

Quotes narrated by Sven Longshanks and taken from The Plot Against The Church by Maurice Pinay.


Radio Stormer Narrations: The Jewish Religion and The Inquisition

In order to deal with the Jew’s secret societies, the church formed its own secret society.

The Holy Inquisition was tasked with finding out who was really a Jew and then punishing them.

Since the Bible says the Jew is to be punished for his behaviour, the church felt totally justified in putting them to the flame for their heinous crimes.

Quotes narrated by Sven Longshanks and taken from The Plot Against The Church by Maurice Pinay.


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