Radio Stormer Narrations: Jews and Christianity Part 2

Daily Stormer
July 25, 2015

A Jew being suckled by Satan in the form of a pig.

Radio Stormer Narrations: The Talmud, The Karaites and The Jews in Court

Everything the Jews do, is governed by the Talmud.

Even God studies the Talmud and has to do as the Rabbis tell him.

The Karaites are a Jewish sect that are hated by the rest of Judaism, because instead of following the Talmud, they follow the Christian Old Testament.

The Jews do not like the Old Testament – according to them Noah was a drunk, who spent the later years of his life as a trans-gender.

Just about every deceitful behaviour is condoned by the rabbis, even bribing judges.

Just don’t tell the goyim!

Narrated by Sven Longshanks using excerpts from ‘Judaism Discovered’ by Michael Hoffman.


Radio Stormer Narrations: Jew Curses against Christians and Desecration of the Cross

Jews take spitting to be a grave insult and they are commanded by the Talmud that they must spit every time they see a cross anywhere.

They are also taught curses that they must say when passing a church, or a Christian house.

This behaviour is documented throughout history, with some extreme instances involving constant urinating on public crucifixes.

Their aversion to the cross even goes as far as using a T in math, to avoid using the multiplication sign.

The Celtic Cross is such a great symbol for White Nationalism, being completely inoffensive to Whites, but extremely offensive to Jews.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks using excerpts from ‘Judaism Discovered’ by Michael Hoffman.


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