Radio Stormer Narrations: Merrie England 2000 Part I

Daily Stormer
November 11, 2015

BM Poster B.A

This book is dedicated to Gerald Kaufman, Jewish Member of Parliament for the U.K., ancestrally from Poland, who not only in his policies typifies trends towards an England in the year 2,000 as

depicted in it, but has taken a lead in trying to prevent its publication by penal action against its author for his writings.

In June 1991, acting merely on a complaint by Kaufman, police invaded and ransacked the author’s home, and seized a copy of the first draft of this book.

Thereafter, with the necessary scrutiny and consent of the Attorney General, a prosecution was started against him for some other literature seized. This was at the outset suspended by a High Court injunction which the author obtained, pending a Judicial Review by that Court of the legality of the warrant used for the raid, leave for which Review he had previously applied for and had been granted.

When that Judicial Review was about to take place in November1992, the police finally at the last moment, to avoid a High Court decision of censure, admitted that the warrant was invalid, and the
search and seizure consequently unlawful; and abandoned the prosecution, agreeing to return all of the property seized and since then retained.

The Attorney General – the highest law officer in the land appointed by the government of the day- thus stands condemned for having sanctioned under Jewish pressure a prosecution of a political opponent for expressing freedom of thought, an attempt at suppression based moreover on what he must have known was an illegal raid. Such was the threat to freedom in 1992.

What will it be like in the year 2,000 ?

Colin Jordan 1993

Narrated by Sven Longshanks

Merrie England 2000 – Annie’s Crime and Punishment/Annie’s Telly Training


Merrie England 2000 – The Processing of ‘Honey’/The Colouring of Education


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