Radio Stormer Narrations: The Facts About Slavery

Daily Stormer
September 16, 2015


The truth about slavery has been obscured in order to instigate hatred for White people and pity for the Negroes.

Far more White people were stolen as slaves by Moslems, than were ever sold by Blacks to traders destined for North America.

Some estimates place it at over a million White slaves just over a 250 year period, but it actually went on for 900 years.

It was White people that put a stop to slavery and it is White people that should be asking for reparations, not Blacks.

Blacks were far better off being bought by White people and there are records that show that preference.

The most well known of all the anti-slavery propaganda is even a hoax, the famous Brooke’s slave ship drawing has been doctored, there was a huge space in the middle of the hold that the artist filled in with people.

While the do-gooders were campaigning to free the useless Negroes, White children were being forced to go down mines and crawl up chimneys.

The Trans-Atlantic slave trade only lasted for a couple of hundred years, but the White slave trade began with the advent of Islam and is still going on today.

There is very little difference between a White woman stolen by Barbary Corsairs and a White girl groomed by Moslems.

Both were branded, forced to have sex and then told that they were now property/wives belonging to the rapist.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks from Robert Smyth’s pamphlet ‘Slavery – The Facts.’

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


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