Radio Stormer Narrations: The Fraud of Feminism II

Daily Stormer
August 16, 2015

cartões feministas vintage (7)

E Belfort Bax was a passionate advocate for the social and legal rights of men, which he could see were lacking in comparison to the rights of women.

He wrote the Fraud of Feminism in 1913 and although there have been many changes in law since then, the situation of women having the whip hand over men has not changed.

Radio Stormer Narrations: Always the Injured Innocent!

The injured innocent act comes into play when the female is caught behaving badly.

If a man were to do the same, he would be locked up, but if it is a woman, then excuses will always be made for her actions.

Various examples of this happening in court cases from the time, are the offered as proof.

Nothing changes, if a woman kills her husband everyone will be saying that he must have treated her badly, but if a man kills his wife, he will be locked up for life and disowned by all the other men, regardless of any mitigating circumstances.


Radio Stormer Narrations: The Chivalry Fake

What today passes as chivalry, is really nothing other than special treatment for women.

On the one hand they demand equal rights with men and punish anyone who points out the obvious differences, but come a disaster like the Titanic and straight away, they will be expecting to be given first place in the lifeboats.

From once being a code of honour enjoined upon a particular guild, it now means the exclusive right of one particular sex to special privileges, with no corresponding responsibility whatsoever.


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