Daily Stormer
April 4, 2015

Many documents were produced during the National Socialist era covering a range of subjects associated with the Jewish problem.
‘The Jew as Criminal’ uses case studies to show the typical criminal strategies of the Jew from the small scale swindler in the Kaschemmen, to the Jewish controllers of the Bolshevik state apparatus.
Providing conclusive proof of the criminality of the Jew, the book is an indispensable guide to understanding how the Jewish criminal underworld works.
The only difference between the Jewish murderer for hire used by the mob and the commissars of the USSR, was the scale of their operations.
Each chapter of the book has been narrated by Sven Longshanks and was originally broadcast on Radio Stormer.

Chapter 1: The findings in preview and What linguistics and statistics show
“Kochemer-Loschen” the language of crooks — The Jew in Criminality — The Jew in Politics
Chapter 2: The Jew in Court
Jurisprudence and Administration of Justice in the Power of the Jews — Caro vs. Petschek — The “Trotskyist Trial” in Moscow
Chapter 3: Fences and Thieves
The Criminal Quarter and Red District — A Leipzig ‘Furrier’ — Michael Stoßenspieler, a Jew from Poland — The Night Specter in the Imperial Court — Violinists and Pickpockets — Fencing in the Grand Style
Chapter 4: Imposters
Ignaz Straßnoff — Trebitsch-Lincoln — Finkelstein-Litvinov — Dimitri Navaschin –Sobelsohn-Klauer
Chapter 5: Swindlers and Racketeers
Ghetto Jews and Opportunistic Jews — The Linder-Rosenfeld Affair — “Borenstein threatened with sentence of Death” — Healthy business failures — “Immediate cash” — Einspongeschäfte [con games] — The Story of Colonel Salaban — Leo Veit, the Ethiopian campaigner
Chapter 6: Gambling cheats
Three-card Monte — The club of the “harmless” in the Central Hotel — Scandal in Hannover — Aron Simanovitch and the “Holy Devil” Rasputin
Chapter 7: Pimps and White Slavers
The career of the Jewish prostitute Anna Meyner — The Riehl-Pollack House – Scandal in Hannover — Pimps — Silberreich and Wallerstein — Wholesale and Retail — The Trial of the 112 — Zvi Migdol, or the Great Power
Chapter 8: Sexual Offenders
The “Paradise” of the Jews — Some Pornography — A “friend of children” – Albert Hirschland, the race-defiler of Magdeburg
Chapter 9a: Murderers
Jewish “Humor” — The Crime of Fritz Saffran — Monk Eastman, King of the Gangsters — The Murder of McKinley — The Attack on Otto von Bismarck — The Murder of Count Stürkgh — The Attempted Assassination of Stefan Tisza — The Beylis Case
Chapter 9b: Murderers
Mordko Bogrov, Murderer of Minister President Peter Stolypin — The Master Provocateur Asev — Jakob Blumkin shoots at Mirbach — The End of a Kaiser — Murder of Hostages
Chapter 9c: Murderers
The Ship of Death — The Worker-Murder of Astrakhan — The Executioner of Tiflis — Ssadowaya 5 — Comrade Rosa — Samuel Schwartzbart — A Jew has shot Wilhelm Gustloff