Radio Stormer Narrations: The Psychotic Left by Kerry Bolton Part 2

Daily Stormer
October 18, 2015


The main character looked up to by the left is Karl Marx.

His mother was Jewish and he was therefore a Jew, despite his father claiming to be a Christian.

He was incapable of empathy and continually used emotional blackmail to scam money from his family.

Like all Leftists, he convinced himself that he loved humanity while absolutely detesting all those close to him.

The majority of these quotes from Bolton’s book deal with correspondence between Karl and his father, showing just what a worm he really was.

Vain, intolerant and vengeful, he despised the honest workers around him and routinely refused to pay the bills for his fine wine and cigars.

Bolton diagnoses him as having Necrophilous Personality Disorder and shows how even the anarchist leader Bakunin was in agreement with Marx senior that his son was vain, perfidious and cunning.

Trotsky on the other hand was a narcissist, whose love for his friends ‘could never go beyond the love of a peasant for his horse’.

Both sought to use those around them for their own ends, rather than looking for ways that they themselves could be of use.

The typical traits of a psychopath.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks from ‘The Psychotic Left by Kerry Bolton’

Previous Narrations can be found here.

Radio Stormer Narrations: The Psychotic Left – Karl Marx


Radio Stormer Narrations: The Psychotic Left – Marx And Trotsky


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