Radio Stormer Narrations: The Races of Britain II

Daily Stormer
November 1, 2015

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The Franks – from terracotta figures found near Nymegen and Xanten.

Continuing Sven Longshanks narration from John Beddoe’s The Races of Britain.

The Danish Period

Near the end of the Anglo-Saxon colonisation of England, Norse invaders began to be a problem. At first they were not interested in settling, preferring to plunder the land of its wealth and burn down what was left behind, but eventually peace treaties were reached and some began to settle down, mainly in the north east of England, the north of Scotland and on some of the islands. This accounts for the preponderance of blonde hair and blue eyes in those parts of the country still.


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West-Riding types and Nottinghamshire

The Normans

The Normans were made up of Scandinavians, Saxons and Kymro-Celts and did not really add anything different to what was already in the country, just in different proportions. Like the Saxons, they were unable to colonise Wales and to this day there is still a language line where the Normans were unable to get any further. In south Wales there is a larger proportion of blondes to brunettes than there is in the north of the country due to this colonisation attempt.


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West of Kerry, Aranmore and SC Highlands

Norman and French Immigration

After the fighting had settled down after the Norman invasion, other French nationalities started to arrive and displaced some of the earlier landholders. The Domesday book shows that there was an increase in Norman names, but this could well have been down to the new fashion for surnames and the intermarriage that went on between the newcomers and the previous natives. Many Anglo-Saxons changed their names because it was more beneficial to have a Norman sounding one. The Saxons were now second class citizens after all, having been put into the same position that the Welsh were previously, by their new Norman overlords.


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Lewis (Gaelic), Lewis (Barvas) and Harris

Subsequent Migrations

In Ireland, the Danes were unable to really get a hold of the country and once the Normans came, they were fast outbred in the ports that they once occupied. After this time, there was a constant influx from England into the country, but outside the pale of English settlement there has not been much change and the surnames in Ireland can be much more trusted than those of England. The only real migrations that took place in Britain after this time were internally, from one part of the isles to another following employment, resulting in in a stable population showing harmonious racial characteristics from the various breeds of White man that had travelled there through the ages.


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