Radio Stormer Narrations: The Rising Tide of Color Part 2

Daily Stormer
June 4, 2015

The 16 different types of abomination commonly found in the Red Man’s world.

The Rising Tide of Colour Against White World Supremacy by Lothrop Stoddard

Selected narrations from the critically acclaimed book on race from the 1920’s. 

The Rising Tide of Colour part 4

The Black Man’s World

The Negro in Africa and the Negro in America. It is amazing to think that there were so few of them just one hundred years ago.

In that short space of time they have multiplied at a rate more commonly seen in parasitical worms than in human beings.


The Rising Tide of Colour Part 5

The Red Man’s World I

There were very few pure Red Indians left even at this point in history, with the majority having blended their genes with Negroes and Spaniards.

The resulting unstable hybrid creature has shown itself to be even more inferior than the original Red Indian.


The Rising Tide of Colour Part 6

The Red Man’s World II

Even in the countries that have a majority Mestizo population there is still a colour line with Whites at the very top of society.

If the Whites at the top dont start taking their countries back soon, they will lose them permanently and South America will become a serious threat to the US just through immigration alone.


New narrations are played every week day at 12pm EST and repeated again at 6pm EST.

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