Radio Stormer Narrations: The Rising Tide of Color Part 3

Daily Stormer
June 10, 2015


The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy by Lothrop Stoddard

After explaining the various traits of the different races and what drives them, the author moves to describing the recent history of the White race and how it has interacted with those other races.

The Rising Tide of Color Part 7

The White Flood

How the modern White race spread out across the world in a spirit of adventure, seeking to colonise new territories, bringing the gifts of civilisation with them.


The Rising Tide of Color Part 8

The Beginning of the Ebb and The Peloponnesian War

How short-sighted employers became traitors to their race and started importing exotic species in to replace themselves.

Also how the war split up the original sense of White unity that people had, where achievements by one nation were seen as belonging to all.


The Rising Tide of Color Part 9

The Shattering of White Solidarity

The rise of the civic nation and the loss of racial identity, which culminated in the first world war and the use of coloured troops to fight as mercenaries for the White nations.


New narrations are played every week day at 12pm EST and repeated again at 6pm EST.

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