Radio Stormer Narrations: The Rising Tide of Color Part 4

Daily Stormer
June 12, 2015

All this was foreseen, one hundred years ago.
All this was foreseen, one hundred years ago.

The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy by Lothrop Stoddard.

Written in 1920 and warning against everything that we have seen our treacherous governments do over the last century.

The last three parts sum up the conclusions of the rest of the book and show what must be done to secure an existence for our children.

The Rising Tide of Color Part 10

White Immigration

The White race comes in many different varieties and America was built by one particular variety all the way up until the late 19th century.

Allowing immigration from Eastern Europe paved the way for immigration from races that were non-White.

Even mixing between different White breeds is not advisable and does not enhance the stocks.


The Rising Tide of Color Part 11

Colored Immigration

Once those gates were open and the barriers down, there will be no stopping these creatures.

Now that they have tasted of the European standard of living, they will quite literally risk death to force their way in.

Using the subhumans to fight our wars for us was a terrible mistake, as it put them on an equal footing with us.


The Rising Tide of Color Part 12

Europe and The Crisis of the Age

The lessons that have been learned in America, must be applied in Europe.

There are no possible benefits that the lower races can bring to our countries.

All non-Whites must be expelled from White countries and we should not be helping them increase in population by feeding them.

They are our competition economically and territorially, if we do not keep them out, then the White race is finished.


Radio Stormer Narrations: The Rising Tide of Color Part 1

Radio Stormer Narrations: The Rising Tide of Color Part 2

Radio Stormer Narrations: The Rising Tide of Color Part 3

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