Daily Stormer
February 10, 2015
12.00pm Eastern time, 5pm British time, 4am Aussie time – The Daily Race War Report with Sven Longshanks
12.37pm Dr William Pierce ‘How to Improve our Souls’
1pm A new Radio Stormer presented by Sven and featuring Brett Light, who we have not heard from since last summer. The program starts off with a prank call to the BBC during holohoax day, where the caller informed them that they were being lied to and the holocaust never happened. This leads on to a discussion about hate speech laws and takes in subjects as varied as the theft of White children by the State, the Aboes in Australia, David Cole the Jewish holohoax exposer who then went on to become a holohoax believer and why the Blacks will never be able to assimilate in a White society.
2.49pm Freedom for Gary Yarborough – a demonstration in London to draw attention to Gary’s unjust imprisonment and featuring rousing speeches from Jez Turner, Peter Rushton, James Mac and others.
3.31pm Radio Stormer: Hack Attacks and Ebola-Infected Blacks, with Andre and Sven
4.54pm Radio Stormer: Muslims, Mongrels and Marxism, with Sven and Brett