Radio Stormer: Supporting the Resistance – Part Two

Daily Stormer
September 27, 2014

We do not have the time to wait around for another ideologically perfect leader to suddenly appear to us.

Andrew Anglin and Sven Longshanks continue their discussion on various groups and people from the soft Right to the hard Right.

Subjects covered include:

-The importance of always supporting White people when their adversary is non-White.

-White people are superior and we are envied for that, but we are also despised because we reject our superiority and pretend we are all equal.

-The importance of believing in your race as being the best, as a way to encourage excellence.

-Different tactics and strategies need to be used to attract different types of people to our cause.

-Speaking out against what the Jew does can sometimes be more effective than speaking out directly against the Jew.

-We do not have the time to wait around for another Jesus or another Hitler, we have to make do with what we have now and work on improving it.

Basically, we responded to the response of the last show.  I don’t think there is really much more that can be said.  I think it is silly that people attack the soft right, but if they wish to attack anyone who isn’t a straight-up Hitler figure, there is nothing more we can say.

Still, we will continue to support them when they do good, and criticize them when they do wrong.
