Radio Stormer: Wounded Knees and Gypsy Thieves

Daily Stormer
July 11, 2014

The Jew cries out in pain as he bombs you.

Andre and Sven discuss how current events are affecting White people around the world.

Some of the subjects covered are:

-Andre’s injured knee due to a run in with Gypsies

-Jewland bombing Gaza for a kidnapping that happened in the West Bank

-ISIS’ threats to take down the K’bah

-Bung Mokhtar’s defiance of political correctness and praise of Hitler

-South African businessmen eating human hearts and government ministers turning pigs into cannibals

-The Murrieta resistance to immigrant invasion and scabies pestilence

-Promising signs among the youth and what a great blessing it is to be White!

Here’s the knee:

This is when it was fresh.  Now it looks like something out of Night of the Living Dead.
This is when it was fresh. Now it looks like something out of Night of the Living Dead.
