Radio Stormer: Year End Extravaganza!

Daily Stormer
January 13, 2015

Woooooo!!!! It's finally over!!!!!
Woooooo!!!! It’s finally over!!!!!

As promised, the Radio Stormer review of the year 2014, where Andre and Sven go through the main news stories of the year and see what can be learned from them.


  • The ‘democratic’ violent take-over of the Ukraine and the fall-out from it
  • Ebola and the senseless reaction to it by politicians desperate to not appear racist
  • The incredible gains made at the Euro-elections by the ‘Far-Right’
  • ISIS and the rise of the internal Jihadis within Europe
  • The 1,400 child victims of Rotherham and the thousands more that were never reported
  • The sainted cigar-thief from Ferguson and the psychology of the child-like Black primitive
  • Operation Filthy Jew Bitch and the locking up of nationalist Garron Helm, for identifying a Jew as a Jew

Generally 2014 had the feeling of being a starter meal, before heading on to the main course of 2015, where it is certain that we will be seeing even more people flock to our cause, especially if events of the last fortnight are any kind of indicator.
