Raggedy Old Whore Theresa Says She Didn’t Do Syria Attack Because Trump Told Her To

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2018

What is the purpose of the existence of a childless woman? What is going through her head, day to day? Cheese and fashion? 

The raggedy old ragtime whore Theresa May is fighting back against accusations that she did the Syria attack because the evil fascist overlord Trump called her up and told her to.


Theresa May told parliament the airstrikes against Syria by Britain and its allies were “morally and legally right,” but was mocked over whether she or President Trump made the decision for the UK military to launch strikes.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn responded by calling the strikes in Syria “legally questionable.” He accused May of not exhausting all diplomatic avenues, and said other groups, not just Assad, have used chemical weapons during the Syria conflict.

May told parliament that the UK was unable to act through the UN Security Council (UNSC) saying Russia would use its power at the UN to “veto our foreign policy”.

May insisted: “We have acted because it is in our national interest to prevent the further use of chemical weapons in Syria and uphold the global consensus that they should not be used… wither in Syria or on the streets of the UK.

“We have done this because we believe it is the right thing to do, and we are not alone.”

After accusations that Britain was simply following the lead of the US in the strikes against Assad, May said: “We have not done this because President Trump asked us to do so.”

Yeah I mean, obviously Trump and May did it because the Jews asked them to.

Or rather, because the Jews demanded they do it.

HOWEVER – I think Theresa was more in on it than Trump. This came right after her stupid Skripal poisoning hoax was unraveling, and reports were the the White Helmet terrorists who staged the chemical hoax in Douma were contacted by Britain and told they needed a gas hoax pronto.

“Yeah, sorry, the UN sent us the standard suits for responding to chemical weapons incidents, but we didn’t have room for them in the truck.” 

“So just throw this surgical mask over your bearded face and just try not to breathe too fast. You’ll be fine.”

Interestingly – perhaps – is that the resistance to the attack is stronger in Britain than it is in the US.

Yes, that is just a Russian propaganda video…

But this Russian propaganda poll says only 15% supported the attacks.

And this fedora wearing Russian propagandist says it’s totally not popular.

Anyway: there were actually protests – something we didn’t see in the US.

In the US though it really is a bizarre situation, having such strong support from the left for these wars.

And of course, during the Bush era (and even to some extent earlier than that), it was the right in America that was pro-war.

It creates a situation where these actions by Trump are actually most strongly opposed by his strongest supporters – while the rest of the political spectrum is like “oh well, Trump is still evil, but this war thing really is a great idea.”