Raleigh: Nazi Police Arrest Oppressed Negro for Murdering Privileged Homeless Cracka

Thaddeus Devon Holmes.

It’s not the negro’s fault this happened. The privileged homeless man provoked him by shouting “NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER” to his face.

Then, when the negro politely asked him to watch his language, the man responded with “BABOON BABOON BABOON.”

An oppressed ex-slave can only tolerate so much disrespect before he snaps.

CBS 17:

Raleigh police arrested a 47-year-old man in connection with the beating death of a homeless man in May 2018, warrants show.

Thaddeus Devon Holmes is charged with murder in the death of Thomas Paul Koenigs on May 3, 2018, warrants show.

Koenigs, 54, was found dead when officers responded to a call to a home on Haywood Street on the morning of May 3.

People living at the home on Haywood Street where Koenigs died said they heard banging at the door and called 911.

Koenigs’s body was found on the front porch of that home.

Koenigs was homeless at the time of his death, according to his sister.

Witnesses said Koenigs appeared bruised and bloody when they found him.

An autopsy says Koenigs suffered injuries to the head, neck, chest and extremities during an assault.

The injuries to his neck were “extensive.”

Holmes is being held without bond and is scheduled to appear in court on April 29.

Thomas Paul Koenigs.