Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 16, 2013

Speaking to Buzzfeed last week, he said:
There’s a big transition in the Republican Party, but also in the public. People are right about the public being war-weary. They’re right.
[…]I think some within the Christian community are such great defenders of the promised land and the chosen people that they think war is always the answer, maybe even preemptive war. And I think it’s hard to square the idea of a preemptive war and, to me, that overeagerness [to go to] war, with Christianity.
The Jews are, of course, flipping out that he would dare question them, even in such a benign manner. They went so far as to say that Israel was not even planning the war.
You can say what you want about the man – clearly he isn’t any kind of hero – but this sort of talk, being injected into the mainstream narrative, is very good for us.